MEXICO Manhunt for drug lord after tunnel escape- A massive manhunt to find country’s top drug kingpin, known as ”El Chapo”.
Photo: El Chapo under arrest (2014)
A manhunt has been launched to find Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin Guzman after he escaped from prison, Mexico’s National Security Commission said in a statement Saturday. Guards at the Altiplano Federal Prison found that Guzman, also known as “El Chapo,” was missing during routine check.
Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera also known as “El Chapo Guzmán” is a Mexican drug lord who heads the Sinaloa Cartel.
In 2003, Guzman became Mexico’s top drug kingpin after the arrest of his rival Osiel Cárdenas of the Gulf Cartel.
He was considered the “most powerful drug trafficker in the world” by the United States Department of the Treasury.
Mexico manhunt, Guzmán escaped from Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 on 11 July 2015, Saturday.
Authorities then launched wide-range manhunt to find Guzman, troops and police were deployed all around the place.
He was last seen by security cameras near the shower area, the only part of his cell that was not visible.
It was discovered, Guzmán had escaped through a tunnel leading from the shower area to a house construction site, miles away in a Santa Juanita neighborhood.
To prevent Guzmán from escaping the country through airports, border checkpoints, or ports, government issued an international warning.
President Peña Nieto said he was very shocked by Guzmán’s escape, and promised that the government would carry out an intensive investigation to see if officials had collaborated in the prison break. In addition, he claimed that Guzmán’s escape was an “affront” to the Mexican government, and that they would not spare any resources in trying to recapture him.
As of now authorities with Interpol and other security organizations were on guard looking for Guzmán, preventing him upon escaping into another country.