CHINA: Human right lawyers as rabble-rousers — Law makers accused for making violent actions intended for political and social goal.
Dozens of human rights attorney charged by China of making troubles, July 14, 2015, Tuesday.
Human right lawyers- law makers intent on illegal activism as foreign governments and rights groups, including Wang Yu.
According to Maya Wang, Human Rights Watch researcher, the human rights lawyers had helped build a civil society in China over the past years to hold authorities accountable, and that the crackdown was part of a “methodological dismantling” of that civil society since Chinese President Xi Jinping came to power.
May police shooting case triggers the crackdown. Chinese public members asked if officer acted in proper way, drawing a gun and killed unarmed but irate man inside a train station in China.
U.S. state department doomed the detentions for the release of the lawyers, who said “seeking to protect the rights of Chinese citizens.”
Chinese lawyers known to have joined hands with civil activists, seeking public attention to wrongful cases.
This people alleged unlawful practices by police and courts, engaged official narrations of controversial events and challenging authorities to follow the letter of the law.
Human rights lawyers considered thorn in the side of the state.
Their reputations were questioned, being interested in seeking publicity instead of practicing their profession.
Most of the involved lawmakers were distinguished not the rabble-rousers and known as highly competent in every way.
Rumors says, many forms of torture used by Chinese Security Agents against rights lawyers in the country.
This human rights activist and practitioners were defended by detained lawyers.
However, people who used to dare the law for own protection as each right and aftermath limits arbitrary use of power by the Chinese Communist Party.
And harper STILL can’t get enough Chinese cxck into his yap !!