Eating Spicy food prolong life

Eating Spicy food prolong life

Eating Spicy food will lower the risk of death by 10 percent. The Research study found that once or twice a week a person will consume spicy foods has longer life that those who consumed spicy food less than once a week, observing thousands of people in China, studies revealed.

According to Nita Forouhi, who leads the Medical Research Council unit’s nutritional epidemiology programme at the University of Cambridge, future research should look at eating spicy food leads to drinking more water could be behind the link. “Future research is needed to establish whether spicy food consumption has the potential to improve health and reduce mortality directly or if it is merely a marker of other dietary and lifestyle factors,” she said.

A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are parts of leafy green plants used for flavoring or as a garnish. Many spices have antimicrobial properties. This may explain why spices are more commonly used in warmer climates, which have more infectious disease, and why the use of spices is prominent in meat, which is particularly susceptible to spoiling. A spice may have other uses, including medicinal,religious ritual, cosmetics or perfume production, or as a vegetable.

“The added contribution of spicy food intake to the benefits of a balanced healthy diet and healthy lifestyles also remains to be investigated. However, the current findings should certainly stimulate dialogue, debate and further interest in research.” Forouhi added.

Research said spices have a long history of being used for flavouring, colouring, preserving food and for medicinal purposes. Additionally, the antimicrobial function of spices, including chilli pepper, has long been recognised.

“Spicy food or its active components have been related to improved inflammation, reduced body adiposity, or improved lipid profiles,” Lu Qi said. “In addition, spicy foods may also affect gut bacteria which has been related to various chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.However, we know little about why these may occur. More studies are definitely needed to clarify the mechanisms.”IMAGE/

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