Category: TV

Watch the trailer video: The Walking Dead Season 4 with its new cast, premiers October 13 next week. Rick Grimes is once again becoming a straight-forward good guy, and a hero the fans can root for without reserve according to…

View Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. official trailer; Joss Whedon returns to TV for a spinoff of his megahit superhero film “The Avengers”, ABC’s much anticipated new show starts Tuesday 8pm Sept. 25 in the United States. Quotes: “As much as I…
A new television show premiered on FOX yesterday—Sleepy Hollow is an American fantasy mystery thriller adventure drama television series that premiered on Fox on September 16, 2013 A fantasy adventure series based on Washington Irving’s classic short story, turns Ichabod…

Jennifer Lopez is the only female judge this season. Reportedly, the network wanted to avoid a repeat friction similar to the drama between Carey and Minaj, according to reports. While the network had hoped to bring an industry professional into…

Vietnam’s Next Top Model (VNTM) 2013 will feature an episode filmed in Paris where the top contestants will head for casting and photo shoots Saigon Times reported. The Paris ‘filmed episode’ was revealed during the signing ceremony between Multimedia JSC,…

Pakistani cartoon superhero “Burka Avenger” draws controversy. A new cartoon series in Pakistan is turning stereotypes on their head. It’s centered around a woman who doesn’t wear a burqa in the daytime but puts one on to transform into the…

A 27-year-old Filipino Jonathan Yabut, senior product manager of a pharmaceutical company in the Philippines, has been declared the first winner of the reality show “The Apprentice Asia”. The final task was to organised a charity auction for Air Asia…